Recent Global Shifts and The Shipibo

Recent Global Changes have affected communities Worldwide as we are all aware, it has affected income, mental health, families, health, wellbeing, communities and education to name but a few. For the Shipibo the impact of restricted movement has further affected their way of life, as their ability to sell their beautiful handwoven Artisanal crafts in the usual way during and post this global shift has proven more difficult.

Tantamunays initial response to support the Shipibo sell their crafts was initially assisting them to bring their work to a wider marketplace, whilst staying in their tribal life and villages. We have worked over these years to bring work directly to the door of each Shipibo hut to enable the Shipibo women who work with us to have a sustainable income from doing what they know and love, which is to sew, without the need to leave the Tribal group and their children in order to find ways to access this income.

Global changes call for us to extend our work even further, to reach more communities and families. If you wish to assist in our support of the Shipibo please visit our shop or make a donation.

Whilst we have done what we can we always seek to do more. Recent Global Changes have forced so many of our Shipibo brothers and sisters even further away from their native way of life, forcing them away from their quiet and communal sewing circles into the need to seek out any labor they can to survive. Many are working as cooks, road sweepers or whatever they can find in order to keep going and find a way to feed their families. For Tantamunay and the Shipibo way of life this is deeply devastating and we thank all of you have made purchases during these times to assist the Shipibo to survive.

Whilst we acknowledge that many in the world are doing what they have to for survival in this modern existence, we do not acknowledge it as being healthy and balanced for the human soul. How many have given up on their dreams to make ends meet? How many have made further compromises to their dreams in this recent year? 

The majority of the world has become disconnected from the natural way of living in harmony with the Earth and with themselves. 

Those of us who are waking up to that are realizing the importance of a return to harmonious living with nature and returning to our Sacred Mother to receive what the soul is crying out for, balance and healing.  Global changes are forcing the Shipibo to enter further into exactly the same nightmare that those in the modern world have lived, suffered and are now seeking liberation from. We witness thousands who flock to Peru every year seeking guidance from Tribes like the Shipibo,  we are seeking the wisdom keepers of our world to wake us up from the nightmare an return us home to healthy balance. 

Stepping away from the tribal family groupings and the Shipibo way of life is ever more present now in the Shipibo’s necessity to adapt to recent changes and has the potential to bring an end to the Shipibo way of life if continued. Tantamunay seeks to continue to do what we have always done and in a further reaching capacity than before. We wish to play our part in slowing the imminent cultural impact of recent Global Shifts upon the Shipibo way of life.

Currently the Shipibo are experiencing huge difficulties to maintain their children’s education as everything in Peru has gone virtual. Children have been out of the education system all year as they have no access to what they need to respond to the impact of Global Changes, namely internet and laptop access to access the virtual classes.

In Peru there were very little relief funds offered during the challenging times. Most of the Peruvians have been affected by this and the Shipibo are often overlooked in these resources as they are in education resources and in all resources. This includes little or no response to the need for basic necessities such as food and medical supplies. They are still recovering and if you are able to assist in this recovery it is greatly appreciated.