Ayahuasca Integration
Psychedelic Integration
Somatic Plant Medicine Integration
Trauma Informed Practitioner


Integrating your Ayahuasca Experience

Rachel is a Trauma Informed Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner who has supported hundreds of participants prepare for their Ayahuasca Journey and held space for Ayahuasca Integration in 2 Shipibo Led and Owned Ayahuasca Retreat Centres.
Rachel specializes in Ayahuasca Integration and the Shipibo Tradition

Healing with Ayahuasca is a sacred spiritual journey of deep transformational healing which can take a lot of time, space and personal commitment to integrate and fully embody the Medicine received in an Ayahuasca Ceremony. Integration is a deeply sacred part of the Ayahuasca Journey. 

As you walk your unique and sovereign healing journey we are here to accompany you and support the process of Integration following your Ayahuasca Ceremony.

Many participants have shared that following their Ayahuasca Retreat, on returning home, they can feel isolated and unsure about who they can speak to about their Ayahuasca Experience, that can meet them with an understanding about the world of Ayahuasca and offer a layer of support to their ongoing healing journey. 

Participants have shared that once they have left the safely held container of ceremonial space which includes, Sacred Plants, Shamans and Plant Medicine Facilitators and returned back to a world that includes going back to work, families, friends, partners and often a cultural expression of life, that is moving at a much faster pace than that of ceremonial space.  That not everyone they share with can understand what they are experiencing and finding the words to explain their Ayahuasca Experience, to others who did not join them in ceremony, does not always come easily. 

This part of the transition can feel uncomfortable, challenging and lonely to many after an Ayahuasca Retreat. 

Many participants, leave an Ayahuasca Retreat, with a high vibrational frequency. They feel totally transformed, empowered and highly motivated to embrace their newly transformed life, excited to put into practice all of the lessons and insights they received from the Medicine during the Ayahuasca Ceremony. 

However for many, after a period of time, often around 4-8 weeks after the final Ayahuasca Ceremony, the journey can become challenging and some of the gifts of insight appear to fade and the participant can notice that some of the old patterns, behaviors, beliefs, fears, insecurities, trauma responses, unhealthy behaviors and limiting mindsets have started to return in their life. 

For many participants, this can feel deeply uncomfortable, confusing, disorientating, scary, isolating, lonely and disappointing. 

Many may feel that the Medicine has left them, but what this part of the Healing journey offers the participant, is an opportunity to continue to work to integrate the lessons, insights and wisdom gifted to you from the sacred Plant Medicine Ayahuasca into your everyday life. 


This Part of the Healing Journey is called Integration and Everyone has the right to receive support with this Part of their Healing Journey. The Medicine is with you before, during and after the Ayahuasca Ceremony. In Integration, we offer you tools and support to continue working with the gifts from your Ayahuasca Experience and support you to deepen your understanding of your experience. 

Whilst this process can feel uncomfortable, the time after an Ayahuasca Retreat is a deeply sacred time and is when a lot of the deep spiritual healing work begins. This is where a lot of ‘the real work’ happens and where you begin to transform your life by integrating the beautiful gifts, lessons, insights and wisdom, from your Ayahuasca Ceremony, into your everyday life. The Plants are slow and naturally unfolding and every person has their own healing rhythm. 

Integration of the Medicine, is a Powerful Spiritual Journey from awareness and insight to an embodied living expression of these insights. 

Integration is the continuation of staying present with the messages from plants and working with the insights they shared with you. 

This is the journey of Integration. 

 The Journey of Integration is ongoing and can be an eternal journey of spiritual growth and healing. Some lessons and insights arise immediately following an Ayahuasca Ceremony, some can take weeks or months to fully integrate. Some lessons, insights and wisdom can take YEARS to integrate and embody and this is also natural


Ayahuasca and Trauma Imprints

For many participants we have supported over the years, the journey with Ayahuasca is often a last resort to reclaim the life that deep down they have always known was theirs as nothing else has worked for them. Ayahuasca is the beginning of a long healing Journey that for many starts as much less of a spiritual journey and is much more to do with finding a way out of survival mode and for some, the choice to sit with Ayahuasca has been about staying alive. 

So many people come to Ayahuasca for healing, deeply traumatized and with a highly unregulated nervous system, as they have been living with the impact of complex trauma, PSTD, CPTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal Tendencies, Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Bereavement, Childhood Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Eating Disorders, Birth Trauma, Childhood Trauma, etc for most of their adult lives. 

This journey for many has been unsupported, unspoken or unknown before the journey with Ayahuasca 

Shipibo Shamans Say That the Longer a Wound is Left Untended, the Longer it takes to Heal

Which makes a lot of sense

So many participants who come to Ayahuasca for healing, have been walking with wounds left untended for a really long time, they come to an Ayahuasca Retreat as they are tired that life has been so uncomfortable, for so many reasons and for so long with a deep desire to heal the uncomfortable suffering experienced every day. 
Living with unprocessed or suppressed trauma can be deeply uncomfortable and a journey with Ayahuasca can bring Trauma imprints to the surface to be explored. Without adequate support during the Ayahuasca Ceremony and in integration participants can become retraumatized and feel very isolated and alone. 

The Medicine can show participants, in ceremony, visions of the root of their suffering, long suppressed and untended to traumatic impacts from their life’s journey that has deeply affected their soul, spirit, way of perceiving the world, how they process emotions and relate to others around them. 

Ayahuasca is a deeply loving Plant Medicine Spirit and often for deeply traumatized participants, they may experience little to no visions in an Ayahuasca Ceremony. This does not mean that the Medicine is not working with you. Shipibo Shamans share that the Medicine will only open the Beautiful visual world that many speak about in Integration once the necessary clearing has happened in an Ayahuasca ceremony. The Medicine can work with you in many ways, through dreams, insights, sensations, temperature changes, emotions and realizations. 

In Somatic Experiencing and Plant Medicine Integration, Rachel can support you to make sense of your Ayahuasca Experience and begin to recover the parts of you left behind after experiencing Trauma. A Somatic Journey is always in your natural rhythm as your healing journey has its own signature, as its unique and personal to you. 

Rachel is a lived experience Integration Practitioner and Plant Medicine Facilitator, who in her personal Journey with Ayahuasca has experienced the healing power of Ayahuasca recovering from a Complex trauma history that has included, CPTSD, Social Anxiety, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Depression, Sexual Abuse, Bereavement, Birth Trauma, Miscarriage, Domestic Violence and Neglect. The gift of this journey has made Rachel a deeply compassionate soul with a lived experience of the journey of recovery from complex trauma and a powerful space holder in her work as a Plant Medicine Facilitator, Ayahuasca Retreat Coordinator and  Integration Practitioner. 

Living now as her Authentic Self, in her divine feminine expression, Rachel continues to apprentice on the Ayahuasca Medicine Path in the Shipibo Tradition with Maestro Hernan Fernandez Romaina with whom she is cocreating a School of Shamanism, Ayahuasca Healing Centre and a Cultural Education Centre for the Shipibo-Konibo Youth in full support of the continuation and preservation of the Shipibo-Konibo Cultural Heritage and Traditional Ayahuasca Medicine Lineage.

Rachel and Maestro Hernan are both Ayahuasca Educators committed to sharing wisdom from the Shipibo Traditional Ayahuasca Lineage. So that anyone wanting to heal with Ayahuasca has the opportunity to be guided by the wisdom of Shipibo Shamans and be educated through our ‘Shipibo Shaman Guide to Ayahuasca’ about how to prepare for this sacred Medicine. 

Rachel Trained as a Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner with the beloved Atria Tan who is the Head of Integration at AYA Healing Retreats and the Pioneer of the Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner Program. 

Just as its important in your journey with Ayahuasca to find the right Ayahuasca Retreat centre and Shaman for you, the same is true of your Integration Practitioner. Before we work together, the invitation is an offer of some time and space to feel in from your own feeling and sovereignty if Rachel Tantamunay is the right practitioner for your Integration Journey. 

Rachel Invites you to reach out for a free discovery call to explore working with her

If you would like to share some information before discovery then the invitation is to complete a Discovery Intake

Everyone deserves access to support, love, care, attention and preparation in the right way for them, during all parts of their healing journey with Ayahuasca.
This looks different for each beautiful being, as everyone has a Unique healing Journey.
We offer individual. personalized care support, before, during and after each Ayahuasca retreat.
If you would like to learn more about our Traditional Ayahuasca Retreats you can learn more here

The profound healing experiences with plant medicine do not end with the ceremony. The real work begins at this stage. How we integrate the insights that we’ve learned in the plant medicine ceremony, the application of the tools and perspectives we receive will ultimately determine the transformation in our lives. In addition, the plant medicine experience often brings up traumatic imprints and memories from the past, and without the right awareness, understanding, and care, participants can be re-triggered and unsupported, leading to a deeper experience of re-traumatization. This is prevalent in the plant medicine world.

Participants we have met who were not supported

Sadly with the rise of interest in Ayahuasca and Psychedelic Sacred Plant Medicines, many people are attending Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremonies all over the world, in which the Medicine is served by those who do not yet have permission to serve Ayahuasca, not every ceremonial space is held by a Trained Shamanic Healer or supported by a Trauma Informed Trained Facilitation Team. 

A Healing Journey with Ayahuasca should mean that your journey is supported before you arrive to an Ayahuasca Ceremony in which every participant has received adequate preparation information to make an informed decision about journeying with Ayahuasca. 

Without adequate preparation support to make an informed and educated choice about Ayahuasca or other Plant Medicines and trauma informed awareness from the facilitation support team during the Ayahuasca Retreat or Ceremony, so many can feel a lack of care and support in an Ayahuasca Retreat or Plant Medicine Ceremony. 

In an unregulated Plant Medicine world, sadly many have had this experience. 

Many of our patients have travelled to the Jungles of Peru and Brazil to seek Ayahuasca for healing. In the world of Ayahuasca and Shamanic Tourism there are many untrained people serving Ayahuasca to tourists as a way to make money for their families, this does not mean that they have yet received the adequate training to serve Ayahuasca to others and keep you safe before, during and after the Ayahuasca Ceremony. 

Shamans, from all countries can have varying levels of experience with Ayahuasca and its important to explore the level of experience that the person serving you Ayahuasca has, before choosing to drink Ayahuasca with them, this is for your safety and healing. 

There are also many highly trained Shamans in the jungle who can help you to heal and whilst many have the experience needed there maybe cultural awareness or language barriers to be able to fully explain and support all that a foreigner needs to understand and receive their Indigenous Medicines. 

Without adequate support before, during and after an Ayahuasca Journey many patients can become deeply confused about their experience and can experience re traumatization as a result. 

If you have been a solo traveler to the Jungles of Peru and Brazil and feel that you need some Integration Support for whatever reason, please feel free to reach out for some support or book a discovery session. 

Plant Medicine Facilitators also can have varying levels of experience in supporting and holding safe spaces for the Ayahuasca Journey of a participant who is in a very open and vulnerable space following an Ayahuasca Ceremony. Without a trauma informed facilitation team, many can be retraumatized or enter into deeper state of confusion or isolation without adequate support following an Ayahuasca Ceremony. 

Everyone deserves the right support for them and their unique healing journey and to be met with care, love, support and compassion for the difficult moments that can arise on an Ayahuasca journey.


Our Pricing

We offer flexible pricing for 60 Minute sessions and 90 Minute Sessions in which you can choose what is accessible for you to pay for your session. The reason we offer this is that we do not want money to be a barrier to you receiving the support that you need to integrate your Ayahuasca Experience and so we invite you to choose the payment that is possible for you to offer. 

In our practice we honour the Andean Principle of Ayni, which is giving from the heart space in reciprocity, which means choice to be moved by your own heart when it comes to giving an offering. to another being. 

  Our pricing is in USD

60 Minute Integration Session

90 Minute Integration Session

Indigenous Presence In Integration

As an Advocate for Shipibo Led and Owned Ayahuasca Retreat Centres for the last 7 years, we have always worked in a way in which the Shipibo Shamans are present and have a voice in the Integration Circles following each Ayahuasca Ceremony. Shipibo Shamans have a lot of wisdom to share with participants about the Ayahuasca visions in Integration that can help deepen the understanding and integration of the Ayahuasca Ceremony.   

Rachel continues to be a student of the Medicine and works in close consultation with her teacher, Maestro Hernan Fernandez Romaina. Should any part of your Ayahuasca experience need the additional support and guidance from a Shipibo Shaman to integrate, understand, or need this level of consultation.  Then we can open an integration consultation session that includes the presence of a Shipibo Shaman and if needed a distanced ceremony to assess what is needed to support your healing journey with Ayahuasca.