Tantamuany are moved to introduce

Nicolas Glotes Apaza from the Q’ero Nation. ​

The Q’ero originate from one of the most remote areas of the High Peruvian Andes Mountain Range, Paucartambo, Cusco. Andean Mysticism is at the root of all Nicolas‘ work and he holds a deep respect for Pachamama and the Apus within his expression, a connection that was passed down to him from his Ancestors. Tantamunay support the continuation of Andean Shamanism and serve a bridge of support to Maestro Nicolas to continue to share and teach about Andean Shamanism on our Ayahuasca retreats and to all those who visit Tantamunay Healing House who are curious to learn more about Andean Shamanism. 

Tantamunay are moved to be of service to Nicolas at this time, to enable the continuation of time honoured Q’ero traditions in response to our currently changing world, to be a bridge for Nicolas to continue his work connected to Pachamama.  To have a space to share the teachings and wisdom arising from a lineage of deep connection to Pachamama (Gaia) and the honouring of our Sacred Mother. 

Tantamunay are in service of Maestro Nicolas, enabling him to reach a wider global audience whilst simultaneously keeping alive his time-honoured traditions. For Tantamunay it is a honour to stand in this service as we hold conscious awareness of the importance of the indigenous presence in our global collective. The Ancient Ones are the keepers of Earth Knowledge and Tantamunay are committed to serve as a bridge to the continuance of these time honoured practices in a rapidly changing world (See Mission Statement)

Translation of Words from Maestro Nicolas

Nicolas opens by giving thanks to the Naturalesa, giving thanks to Pachamama, giving thanks to the Moon, giving thanks to the Sun, for the guidance in this moment. 

Nicolas then introduces himself as Nicolas from the Q’ero lineage. He talks about his Ancestors. He speaks about the fact that the practices that he is involved in come from his lineage, which is very, very old – which was gifted to the Q’ero from Pachamama herself.

Nicolas gives thanks to the Spirit of the Mountains and names the Four Mountains. He gives thanks to the Sun, to the Moon. He talks about the fact that the Sun, the Moon, and the Four Elements of Earth, Fire, Wind and Water guide the very essence of what it means to be connected to the nature, connected to the lineage of the Q’ero.

He says in his sharing that it’s very important that we don’t forget; that we live together as brothers and sisters – as everything that we live is from Pachamama, and for Pachamama. He says that we must always remember Pachamama, as She is our mother. She is our shared mother, and we are all Children of Pachamama. He says that some people have forgotten the way, and that we forget that we are One, we forget that we are all connected, that we are all brothers and sisters; and that when we remember our Harmony (“Tanta” in this means Harmony) that we have with ourselves and that we have with our surroundings, then we can be in balance with ourselves and with the Earth. Nicolas states that his practices are to help us to remember. The lineage has held this for such a long time, it’s about remembering always that we come from this one connection, this Unity Connection. 

Nicolas says that he loves you very, very much; and that it’s always important that we remember the Mountains, we remember Pachamama, we remember our connectedness to one another in everything that we do. The practices of the Q’ero: the Dispachos, the honourings, is a way of remembering, a way of reconnecting… A way of reconnecting to the Earth from which we are all from. 


Current Offerings from Nicolas:

Huachuma (San Pedro) Ceremony or Retreat (Peru)


Nicolas is moved to honour the Plant Spirit of Huachuma as guided by his deep connection to Pachamama, the Apus, and his Q’ero lineage. Ceremonies are held in the Tantamunay Space.


Huachuma Retreat - Dieta (Peru)


If you are moved to stay at Tantamunay for a retreat then we can facilitate that, please reach out. We have space for groups of up to 5 people at a time. Retreats are held in the Tantamunay Space.


Dispachos (Peru)


Nicolas offers 2 Dispachos, one to call in Good Fortune and Abundance and one for cleansing Negative or Heavy energies.
Ceremonies are held in the Tantamunay Space. 

Dispachos (Virtual)


We hold awareness that Global Shifts have kept many at home. We are called to continue the offerings and enable Nicolas to continue the time honoured traditions of the Q’ero. 



More About Offerings:

Huachuma (San Pedro) Ceremony/Retreat (Peru)

Tantamunay are guardians of a Sacred Space Nestled in the Mountains of Peru where we offer space and time in service of Nicolas and Huachuma. Nicolas is moved to honour the plant spirit of Huachuma as guided by his deep connection to Pachamama and the Apus, which originates from his Q’ero lineage. 

All ceremonies begin in the Tantamunay Space at 8 am in the morning, each ceremony is a full day usually ending around 5-6pm as the sun begins to lower behind the mountain. 

Before Huachuma is drunk, a cleansing Dispacho is held in the nearby woods where each participant’s body is cleansed ready to receive the Medicine. The cleansing Dispacho is then offered to the waters before returning to Tantamunay to drink Huachuma.
Once everyone is connected to the plant we then begin a walk up the mountain to the Sacred Ruins of Las Chullpas, an Ancient Inkan Site upon the mountains overlooking Urubamba. The majority of the ceremony is held here, during which Nicolas calls upon his Ancestors and the Nature Spirits such as the Condor to assist the Participants on their sacred journey. Nicolas sings throughout the Ceremony Icaros in Quethua (plant medicine songs) that were gifted to him during his 15 years of service to the plant Spirit Huachuma (San Pedro)

As the sun begins to lower in the sky the ceremony is returned to the fire, lit at the Tantamunay space. Sitting in a circle around the fire a final Dispacho is offered to Pachamama (see Dispacho) to bring the ceremony to a close with gratitude for all insights and healing that may have arrived along the journey.

Read about Preparation for sitting with Huachuma…

Nicolas and Rachel (Tantamunay)

If you feel called to attend a plant medicine ceremony with Nicolas please reach out.

Dates: Every Thursday for ceremonies,  (retreats coordinated with the needs of each group or individual).
Location: Urubamaba, Sacred Valley of the Inkas, Cusco, Peru 

Cost: Nicolas calls for $70 USD per Person Per Ceremony.

Tantamunay offer the service of Translation (as Nicolas speaks only Quechua and some Spanish) and the Sacred Space. If you feel moved to support us in our work we trust in Ayni, that we are all connected and live in a world of mutual reciprocity. This offering can be added at Checkout.  With deep gratitude for the expression of each individual upon the path.



If you are moved to stay at Tantamunay for a retreat, then we can facilitate that; please reach out. We have space for groups of up to 5 people at a time. We are very close to the Sacred Ruins of Las Chullpas, an Ancient Inkan Site upon the mountains overlooking Urubamba.


Preparation for Sitting with Huachuma (San Pedro)

Nicolas calls for a preparation of the physical body before drinking Huachuma with him. This is to honour the plant spirit and to spend time in quiet reflection before your journey.

This is for 3 days before and after each ceremony. If you are called to journey with Huachuma please refrain from sexual activity, alcohol, medications, recreational drugs, pork and stimulants (such as coffee and chocolate). With much gratitude to the plant spirit Huachuma for this guidance.




Nicolas offers 2 Dispachos, one to call in Good Fortune and Abundance and one for cleansing negative or heavy energies.

Whilst it pains both Nicolas and Tantamunay to be offering a Dispacho virtually, we are called to continue this work for the collective and to enable Nicolas to continue to practice the time honored traditions of the Q’ero for which his soul was destined. We hold conscious awareness that recent Global Shifts has made travel to Peru difficult for many who may currently be trapped by this global circumstance and yet still have a call from the heart to honour our cosmic mother. For this reason we step momentarily away from the core indigenous values of face to face and heart to heart of which we both hold dear.


- For Good Fortune -

A Dispacho is a Q’ero offering to Pachamama (Mother Nature). The ceremony is typically around 90 minutes to 2 hours long and involves the sharing of coca in the form of Kintus whilst the offering is built by the Q’ero leading the ceremony. This kind of offering is made at important junctures upon the path of life.

A Dispacho is offered to bring good luck and abundance to any new beginning, such as new job, relationship, business venture, planned journey or new home. The process of building a Dispacho always begins with the containment of the negative energies surrounding the individual, which for the Q’ero are represented in the twisted coca leaves in the bag of coca that is brought for that day. This negative energy is placed first in the Disapcho and upon it lain the cloud representing the building of the new life. Upon this cloud the new beginnings are built with a variety of offerings to Pachmama, each with their own significance which are explained during the dispacho. This process is unfolded slowly and with intention during which the Q’ero leading the ceremonial offering (Nicolas) calls in the assistance of Nature Spirits in his native tounge of Quethua. Once the Dispacho is built it is offered to the Sacred Fire.

If you feel called to have a Dispacho Ceremony please feel free to reach out. 
This service is possible at Tantamunay based in Peru and also virtually.

Cost: Nicolas calls for $70 USD for a group of up to 5 people per Ceremony.

Tantamunay offer the service of Translation as Nicolas speaks only Quechua and some Spanish and the Sacred Space. If you feel moved to support us in our work we trust in Ayni, that we are all connected and live in a world of mutual reciprocity. With deep gratitude for the expression of each individual upon the path.


- Cleansing Dispacho -

A Cleansing Dispacho is very different from the Good Fortune Dispacho in the sense that it is used to clear any lingering negative energies from the auric field of each individual that may have accumulated from day to day life, energetic blocks, past traumas or connection to another energy field experiencing heavy energy. This Dispacho is guided by Nicolas and anyone involved in this energetic cleansing must have their eyes closed at all times.

During this Dispacho, Nicolas calls upon the various expressions of Pachamama, to which his lineage and Ancestors are so deeply connected, to liberate those in the ceremony of any accumulated negative or heavy energies that may be weighing down the souls natural expression. The Cleansing Dispacho is part of the Huachuma Ceremony and can also be held as a separate ceremony.

Cost: Nicolas calls for $70 USD for a group of up to 5 people Per Ceremony.

Tantamunay offer the service of Translation as Nicolas speaks only Quechua and some Spanish and the Sacred Space. Our support of him as a bridge means that we do not take anything from the price that is stated, and all of the offering is for Maestro Nicolas and his family. 

If you feel moved to offer us anything for our time then we trust in Ayni, that we are all connected and live in a world of mutual reciprocity. This offering can be added at Checkout. With deep gratitude for the expression of each individual upon the path if you are moved to support us in this way. 


- Cleansing Dispacho and Good Fortune Dispacho -

Nicolas offers 2 Dispachos, one to call in Good Fortune and Abundance and one for Cleansing Negative or Heavy energies. You can purchase them below as a Medicine bundle of both Dispachos. Available in-person (Peru) or online. 

Cost: Nicolas calls for $120 USD for a group of up to 5 people per Ceremony.

Tantamunay offer the service of Translation as Nicolas speaks only Quechua and some Spanish and the Sacred Space. Service for us means that we do not ask anything to be a bridge for this powerful work, if you are moved to offer an Ayni for our time then we gratefully receive anything that is moved by your heart space. 

Ayni in Andean Shamanism is known as reciprocal giving from the heart space for what you have received


At Tantamunay we consider you all family we have yet to meet.
If we can be of service to your journey in any way, please feel free to reach out to us at TantamunayTribal@gmail.com, or directly below. 

