Tsinquitax Noyananti Come Together United In Love

Ayahuasca Retreats
6 Ayahuasca Ceremonies, 15 Days

Sacred Valley of the Incas
with Maestro Hernan Fernandez Romaina
Shipibo Shaman

Amazonian and Andean
Authentic Ayahuasca Retreat
Immersion In Shamanic Practices from the Amazon and Andes


An Authentic and Traditional Ayahuasca Retreat

Tsinquitax Noyananti (Tantamunay) Shipibo Shamanic Immersion Retreat and Andean Shamanic Immersion Retreat with Somatic Plant Medicine Integration. 

We Invite you to Join us on this Powerful life changing Healing Retreat to discover your authentic self and walk your souls path

Retreat Dates


January 29-February 12: No Spaces

February 15-29: No Spaces

May 16-30:Open

June 4-18: Some Spaces

July 18-August 1: Open

October 10-24: Open

December 5-19: Open



February 6-20: Some Spaces

February 23-March 9th: Open

The Healers

Maestro Hernan Fernandez Romaina

Maestro Hernan is a Shipibo Healer with 30 years of experience with the Medicine. In the jungle Maestro Hernan is known as the Maestro of the Maestros, which means he has trained many Shipibo Shamans, in their path with the medicine.

Maestro Hernan comes from a long line of healers and first drank the Medicine when he was 8 years old, began his first Dieta to become a Maestro at the age of 14 through working with his Grandfather Jose Romaina Bardales. Learning from his Grandfather Maestro Hernan has dedicated his life to the service of the plants and is committed to fully sharing the medicine with all who sit in ceremony or Diet with him.

After his grandfather passed, Maestro Hernan has had two other key teachers and has worked in multiple Ayahuasca healing centers in Iquitos, Pucallpa and Tarapoto which has grown Maestro Hernan into the powerful teacher he is today.

Maestro Hernan is a powerful healer and holds and encyclopedic knowledge of the sacred plants of the jungle pharmacy which has been passed down to him traditionally, through oral transmission and through the energetic transmission of wisdom held within the Master Plant Dietas. Maestro Hernan sits with 35 dieted plants and to sit in ceremony with him is a humbling and deeply healing experience.

Rachel Panshin Pena Tantamunay

Rachel has served as the Coordinator for 2 Shipibo Led and Owned Ayahuasca Retreat Centres in the Amazon Jungle, preparing hundreds of participants for their Journey with Ayahuasca and supporting their integration. In ceremony Rachel is an experienced Trauma Informed and Shipibo Trained facilitator and continues to apprentice in the Ayahuasca Medicine path with her teacher Maestro Hernan. Rachel trained at Aya Healing Retreats as a Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Practitioner and is deeply committed to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the Shipibo-Konibo where she has projects in many Shipibo communities along the Ucayali River that support Shipibo Women to stay sustainably upon their ancestral lands. 

Maestro Nicolas Glotes Apaza

The Q’ero originate from one of the most remote areas of the High Peruvian Andes Mountain Range and practice Andean Shamanism. During the retreat Maestro Nicolas will teach participants about the wisdom of his Ancestors and lead two Q’ero Ceremonies for cleansing and honoring of Pachamama (Gaia)

Andean Curandera Eva

 Eva learnt the traditional healing practices of the Andes from her family and has been a curandera, herbalist for over 60 years. Eva will teach participants how to recognize and apply the Medicinal plants from the Andean Region on a plant walk upon the Apu of Chicon. 

Retreat Process: Before Arrival to the Healing Centre

Individual Personalized Preparation, Treatments and Healing

The first step in any Ayahuasca Retreat Journey is always preparation and everyone has a unique healing journey which is deeply sacred and personal to them. 
Following the completion of a Retreat Registration you will be invited to join Rachel Tantamunay in a Heart Sharing Circle. 

Within the Heart Sharing Circle we shall explore with you more deeply your call to Ayahuasca at this time and share with you how to prepare your body, mind and soul for an Ayahuasca Journey with a Shipibo Shaman.  We also make space for any questions you have and where needed will connect you to Maestro Hernan. 

Ceremony One: An Ayahuasca Ceremony from Distance

Before a Shipibo Shaman offers any treatment, they will first assess your energetic body, your heart, your mind, your body, your emotions, your soul and your spirit.

All participants will firstly be assessed by Maestro Hernan in a distanced ceremony to be sure they are safe to drink Ayahuasca and for the Maestro to assess what plant treatments are needed for your healing journey. 

Plant Treatments are an integral part of the Ayahuasca healing journey and can be Vomitivos (purgative Plant treatment), Plant teas, Plant Saunas, Plant Baths or a period of time in a Plant Dieta treatment (where plants are dieted for curative reasons ). 

All participants will be given the date and time of the distanced Ayahuasca Ceremony and an invitation to meditate during the ceremony, to begin the collective healing journey together as one. 

After consultation with the Plant Spirits in the distanced ceremony, Maestro Hernan will gather the plants needed for the treatment of each participant and bring them to the retreat centre. 

Tsinquitax Noyananti Ayahuasca Retreat

Ceremony Two: A Traditional Shipibo Ceremony

Traditionally for many Shipibo -Konibo tribespeople seeking healing, it was customary for the Maestro (Shaman) to drink Ayahuasca whilst the tribesperson sat or slept in the maloca. The following day the Maestro would bring back information from the Plant world and share what was seen in the visions, this may be information about their life or what plant treatments were needed for the healing of the patient. 

The first ceremony of the retreat will be held in this traditional way and only the Maestros will drink Ayahuasca. 

This offers the participant an opportunity to become familiar with the Shamanic rituals of an Ayahuasca Ceremony before drinking Ayahuasca which supports the sense of safety and familiarity,  before drinking Medicine, which for many is the first time. 

A Journey with Ayahuasca calls for a lot of trust and beginning this way is a wonderful opportunity to receive the Medicine Icaros sung by the Shaman and hear insights from the Plant world the following day. 


4 Ayahuasca Ceremonies and Plant Treatments Unique to You

Every participant will have a personalized plant treatment plan that will be explained to you the day following the Traditional Ayahuasca Ceremony. (Ceremony 2)

During the retreat all participants will sit in 4 Ayahuasca Ceremonies in which they drink Ayahuasca, the final ceremony is called Arkarnacion. 

Each Ayahuasca ceremony is supported by our Bilingual, Shipibo Trained, Trauma Informed Facilitation team

Following Each Ayahuasca Ceremony there is an Integration Circle with Indigenous Presence. 


The Shamans of the Amazon: Wisdom Sharing Circles

Maestro Hernan is a powerful healer and also teacher, recognized in his community as the Maestro of the Maestros. During this retreat you will have the opportunity to learn directly from a Shipibo Shaman about the Sacred World of Ayahuasca and the Shipibo Culture. 

Wisdom Circles Offered

  •  The Sacred use of Mapacho and Agua Florida in an Ayahuasca Ceremony
  •  Master Plant Dietas: The Relationship with Plant Spirits
  • Icaro Study: the different types of Icaro in the world of Ayahuasca and their Meanings
  • Kene: The Meaning of the sacred visions of Ayahuasca
  • Sewing Kene: How to Weave an Ayahuasca Tapestry
  • Ancestral Shipibo Village Life: Stories of the Ancestors
  • Shipibo Mythology and Cosmology


Indigenous Presence In Integration and Post Dieta Care

Following Arkarnacion (final Ayahuasca Ceremony) we shall support all patients with Post Dieta Care and Somatic Plant Medicine Integration. 

Post Dieta Care is unique to you and Maestro Hernan will guide every participant how to take care of the Medicine they received in the Ayahuasca Ceremonies. This can include changes to dietary requirements so we shall reflect this in how we prepare your meals for the final week 

During the final week all participants will have individual and group Somatic Plant Medicine Integration sessions in which Shipibo Maestro Hernan will be present to offer Shamanic Wisdom to help you deeply integrate you Ayahuasca Experience. 

We offer a safe space to slowly and gently re orientate to the world outside of ceremonial space following the final Ayahuasca Ceremony. During this time we shall spend time learning from the Andean Shamanic Healing Lineages 


 Following an Ayahuasca Retreat, time and space are very important and its a deeply sacred time in which the Medicine is connecting with the energy in your mind, your heart, your emotions, your body, your soul and your spirit.

As all participants continue to do this powerful Spiritual work we shall accompany you on the journey of connecting to Andean Shamanism and Healing. 


  • A Sacred Plant walk with an Andean healer upon the Apu of Chicon to gather herbs and learn of the plants and their uses

Connect to Ancient Wisdom with Andean Healers

This will include:

  • A visit to an Andean Clinic to learn how to gather, prepare and apply plants for the treatment of fractures, breaks and bodily complaints. All participants are invited to play an active role in tending to the patients of the clinic.
  • A visit to the Sacred Site of Naupa Ingelsia to connect to one of the Ancient Ruins of the Andes
     accompanied by Maestro Nicolas, Maestro Hernan and Rachel Tantamunay.

  • A dispacho ceremony with Q’ero Maestro Nicolas Glotes Apaza who will explain the meanings of all offerings to Pachamama in a traditional Q’ero offering to Pachamama, a cleansing Dispacho in the local woodlands and a coca reading.

Plenty of Personal Space For Your Healing Work on This Intimate Ayahuasca Retreat

Every Participant will be offered a Private Room unless they are travelling with a partner. Where ever possible we offer choice to participants travelling in a couple if they prefer to share or have separate rooms. 

At Tsinquitax Noyananti we offer small intimate Ayahuasca Retreats with a Maximum of 7 Participants

Every participant has a unique healing journey that is deeply personal to them.   We offer lots of spaces in our centre where you can have the choice to have personal space when you need it


Our outside sacred spaces include:

  • A Meditation Tree House
  • Hammocks
  • Sacred Snake Fire Circle
  • Stone Table Glen


Integration Support On Your Return Home

Included in the retreat price; all participants have personalized aftercare as everyone has the right to receive support in the right way for them following an Ayahuasca Retreat. 

A Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Session will be offered one month following the retreat by Rachel Tantamunay in a 1 hour 1-1 zoom at the best time for you. 

Rachel will guide you using Somatic Experiencing principles, helping you to identify within you the resources and wisdom needed to continue to work with the messages and insights following the Ayahuasca Retreat. Journeying in your natural rhythm to explore together any real world problems that you maybe experiencing that are presenting as barriers to fulling integrating your sacred journey. 


 These sessions will offer you the opportunity to share your Ayahuasca experiences, including any visions you may have witnessed and if needed Maestro Hernan can be present in or consulted with prior to Integration



All Inclusive and Affordable Ayahuasca Retreats

From the Moment you Land in Peru We are with You, Every Step Of The Way

From the second you land at Cusco Airport, you will be collected by our trusted driver, Caesar and brought to your accommodation. 

It is our belief that Medicine and Healing are our birthright and we do everything we can to make our retreats financially accessible to all. 

Our Retreat Includes

  • 6 Ayahuasca Ceremonies
  • Amazonian Plant Treatments
  • 7 Shipibo Wisdom Sharing Circles
  • One day At Andean Clinic to learn about medicinal plants and their uses 
  • Sacred Plant Walk with Andean Healer
  • 2 Q’ero Ceremonies
  • Coca Reading
  • Visit to Ancient Site with Q’ero and Shipibo Shaman
  • One Hour Full Body Massage
  • 8 Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Sessions
  • All food organically prepared throughout your stay
  • 15 Nights Accommodation
  • All Transportation during Retreat, Including Airport Pickup

Offering to Lineage: $1555


Acclimatizing to the Altitude in the Sacred Valley of the Incas


Our Ayahuasca Retreat Centre is at High Altitude

We advise all participants to arrive to the Sacred Valley 2-3 days prior to the start of the Retreat to allow time to acclimatize to the altitude. 

So that all participants begin their Healing Journey together we invite all participants to find alternate accommodation for this time which we can help you to arrange if needed. 

Our driver will collect you from Cusco Airport and transport you to your accommodation upon arrival to Cusco Airport so you have time to rest and acclimatize before starting your retreat. 

Drinking Coca Tea and eating small meals can help with the adjustment to high altitude. 

Should you wish to arrive before this time and visit the world famous,  Sacred site of Machu Picchu please let us know and we can arrange this visit for you as an add on cost with our local English Speaking Guide. 

We look forward to exploring with you in a Heart Sharing Circle

Foundational Principles of Tantamunay: Tsinquitax Noyananti

Tantamunay’s founder has lived a life of service to Indigenous People for 9 years to listen and explore deeply what right relationship is with native people, their tribal culture and their sacred Medicines. 

Service for Tantamunay has meant to support Indigenous Sovereignty in all of our work. To be a bridge for tribal cultures to share their village principles and knowledge with the world for the continuation and preservation of ancient earth wisdom as we move into the new earth expression. To do so in a way that is of benefit for the tribal village and for all humanity. 

As such we have foundational principles to all of our offerings 

Collaboration and Unity

Choice, Agency and Honouring Sovereignty of all beings 

To be in right relationship with Indigenous Elders and their villages

Of working collectively and united for the wellbeing of the Global village healing and the tribal village cultural sustainability

Honouring the practice of Sacred Reciprocity, Ayni principles

Offering space to all, to integrate their medicine and tribal experience into their everyday lives

To be a Bridge for the sharing of ancestral medicine and knowledge in a way that is accessible to all

Everything with agreement and permission

Being in right relationship with all beings seen and unseen

Medicine and Healing are our birthright, may healing with Ayahuasca be accessible to all. 

Abundance for All and celebration of all forms of Abundance

We Are One